Amber O’Mahony

Head of People Analytics, South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

Amber is the Head of People Analytics at SECAmb, where she leads a dedicated team focused on leveraging data to enhance workforce strategies and organisational performance. She began her career at SECAmb in 2014 as a call handler for the 111 service, advancing through various roles to become an analyst and eventually moving into management. When Amber took on the workforce information function, she inherited a system reliant on manual Excel spreadsheets and disjointed processes. Through her leadership, she transformed this setup into a dynamic people analytics team, implementing automation and developing a suite of intuitive dashboards. Amber holds both a degree and a Master's in History, reflecting her strong educational background in the arts, and is now studying for a Level 7 in AI and Data Science. Based on the coast in Kent, she is passionate about automating HR processes and utilising people analytics to improve retention and employee engagement.