The CIPD work in partnership with Wonderly, a division of Haymarket Media Group Ltd to deliver the CIPD People Analytics conference
Wilson Wong
Director - Insight and Futures, WongonWork
A data scientist and futurist, Wilson has over 30 years of experience of applied research into organisations – their leadership, values/ culture, futures strategy, and the evaluation, management and development of human capital for policy & practice, investors and in academia. His research consulting and futures strategy development clients include the Metropolitan Police, Logica, Standard Chartered Bank, Nottingham County Council, Cambridgeshire County Council, DWP. MoD, Human Capital Development Corporation, HCLI, and RBS. He is Visiting Professor at Nottingham Business School, Adjunct Professor at HK Baptist University, and sits on several academic research strategy boards, and is Chair of the IJHRD. He was for over a decade the Head of Insight & Futures, and Head of Research at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD, UK) developing the base for evidence-based practice, and helmed the research at the European Association of People Management (EAPM) and the World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA). A UK human capital metrics expert to ISO, he co-edited Human capital management standards: A complete guide, published by Kogan Page. He has led on and continues to develop measures of sustainable HC. He is a member of the UN Millennium Project global futures experts network, and has led the futures research on national talent.