Lawrence Howard

CEO, Thriiver

Lawrence founded Thriiver in 1997 as a response to his own challenges in finding support and solutions for dyslexia. He is passionate about helping people with neurodiversity and helping employers understand the real business benefits of having an inclusive, diverse culture. 

“Thriiver has been on a tremendous journey since 1997, growing from being a reseller of speech recognition software to providing a wide range of products and services to help individuals reach their true potential in the workplace.   

Alongside Assistive Technology, we provide awareness training and skills coaching to help support people in areas where technology can’t. This integrated approach delivers fantastic results. 

We improve people’s individual performance and help companies accommodate a diverse workforce. This increases employee engagement and efficiency and has a positive effect on the business bottom line. 

With an estimated 1 in 5 people being neurodiverse, and research showing inclusive teams are more effective, building a neuroinclusive culture is not only a moral imperative but also a significant strategic advantage for organisations.  

I feel very excited about the future. More and more businesses are valuing and embracing neurodiversity. Seeing so many of our customers experience such great outcomes with our help and support makes me feel very proud.”