Gordon Parkes

Executive Director - People & Culture, NIE Networks

Gordon Parkes, Executive Director - People & Culture, has worked for NIE Networks for 23 years.  He has over 40 years’ experience in Human Resources across several organisations and sectors.  He is a Board Member of the Board of Trustees of the Grand Opera House Trust and of the Royal Belfast Academical Institution.  He is currently Chair of the Green Energy Skills Industry Reference Group established by the Department for the Economy.  He has been a Board member at the Labour Relations Agency and a member of the CBI Employment and Skills Committee.  Since 2013 he has been a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and, in 2019, was awarded Chartered Companion status by the CIPD Board.  He holds a Masters in Business Administration, is a member of the Institute of Directors and holds a Diploma in Company Direction (DipIoD).  In 2023 he was appointed to the Advisory Board of the Centre for Democracy and Peace Building Fellowship Programme.