Set yourself apart from other organisations to attract and retain top talent

With the competition for talent increasing, organisations need to develop and maintain proactive approaches to both recruitment and retention. Whether it's widening your talent pool, automating processes or focusing on developing skills in-house, organisations must ensure they align with the needs and goals of their employees. 

The CIPD Recruitment and Retention Conference 2025 was your ticket to bolster your recruitment and retention strategy. Delegates heard from leading experts on how to not only attract top talent and diversify your workforce but what it takes to keep them on board.

Explore how to boost employee engagement and retain top talent...

Delegates reflected on their current practices and how to ensure they can retain the engagement of their teams.

Understand how to attract and retain the next generation...

Delegates looked into case studies that explored how to rethink recruitment and retention strategies that appeal to Gen Z. 

 Improve your candidate experience and strengthen your EVP...

The World Cafe provided delegates which an array of topics which challenged ideas and encouraged new perspectives.

Broaden your talent pool through developing and implementing inclusive recruitment strategies...

From setting long-term targets to understanding how to diversify your workforce, delegates understood how to broaden their talent pools.

Testimonials from previous delegates


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