2 March 2024

09:30 - 10:15

Opening keynote: The Evolving Nature of HR: How the CIPD supports people professionals to face into challenges day to day

Amanda will explore the evolving landscape of Human Resources, delving into the...

Amanda will explore the evolving landscape of Human Resources, delving into the profound transformations within the profession, she will discuss the dynamic opportunities and challenges facing today's HR professionals. She'll highlight the pivotal role of CIPD in enhancing HR practices and the essential membership benefits that empower professionals to be more impactful. With a keen focus on the future, Amanda will share her vision for shaping a people-centric and evidence-based workplace culture, urging students to engage, learn, and actively contribute to the field. She will aim to inspire with a blend of personal anecdotes, strategic insights, and a forward-looking perspective on the world of HR.

10:20 - 11:05

A1: The CIPD Profession Map

In this session you’ll learn more about the CIPD Profession Map, how...

In this session you’ll learn more about the CIPD Profession Map, how you can use it your day-to-day work, and also how it can help you to develop yourself and your career.  You’ll hear practical, real-life examples of how people professionals just like yourself have used the map in their roles, and how it can help you progress your membership with the CIPD.   

By the end of the session you’ll: 

  • Know more about the CIPD Profession Map 

  • Understand how you can use the Map to develop yourself and your career 

  • Be able to use the Map as a tool in your day-to-day work 

  • Understand how the Map links to the CIPD membership grades

10:20 - 11:05

B1: Becoming an evidence-based professional

What does it mean to be evidence-based? This session will explain how...

What does it mean to be evidence-based? This session will explain how you can develop skills & techniques in critical thinking, asking powerful questions, analysing data and research insights, and link them with professional expertise. Being evidence-based is central to the CIPD Profession Map. It’s a set of skills that will help you make better decisions, becoming a more effective and more influential HR professional.

11:05 - 11:20

Morning break

11:20 - 12:05

A2: Student Award Winners...what happened next? 

HR award winners talk openly about their journey into the people profession....

HR award winners talk openly about their journey into the people profession. This is your opportunity to hear from young people professionals already making a significant impact in the world of work. They’ll share insights into their own unique career journey, what they’ve learnt along the way and the challenges they have overcome to get where they are today. 

Gain invaluable advice and ask any questions that will help you take the next steps in your career.

11:20 - 12:05

B2: Panel Discussion: Generalists v’s Specialists

When pursuing a career in the people profession you will either become...

When pursuing a career in the people profession you will either become a generalist, with many broad skills, or a specialist – an expert in one area. Are you currently considering what is right for you? Both require different skills but which one is the best option for your personal career journey? We’ll hear from successful generalists and specialists about their career journey into their chosen area and the reasons why they love the work they do. What are the advantages of each? Are there any limitations? 

12:10 - 12:55

Closing keynote: Technology, AI and the impact on the profession

Technology continues to drive changes in the way people work and live...

Technology continues to drive changes in the way people work and live - and the profession will be at the heart of ensuring those changes deliver better work and working lives. David will cover:


  • The likely impact on work 

  • The profession's role in supporting those changes 

  • The impact on the profession and our roles

12:55 - 13:00

Chair’s closing remarks