Jonny Gifford

Principle Research Fellow, Institute for Employment Studies

Jonny is driven to help raise the impact of HR through evidence-based practice. He has been conducting applied research in work, HR and people management for over 20 years. He has a broad set of interests centred on job quality and factors affecting employee performance and wellbeing. Jonny is adept in a range of ‘qual and quant’ methods, but specialises in evidence reviews of academic literature and connecting research insight with HR expertise.  

Jonny previously headed up the CIPD’s research team, where he established its Applied Research Conference, Good Work Index and library of evidence reviews. He has also held research posts at Westminster Business School and Roffey Park Institute. He is an Academic Member of the CIPD, a Fellow of the Center for Evidence-Based Management (CEBMa), Associate Editor at the Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance (JOEPP), and a PhD candidate at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, where his thesis centres on work autonomy and managerial control.