Delegates gained access to exclusive content, led by inspirational speakers and leading practitioners across the two days of the event, with a Conference pass. 

Using the search functions below, you could create your own bespoke agenda.  The streams and sessions available came in a variety of formats from; presentations, panel discussion and case studies to more interactive workshops, lighting talks and masterclasses. 

Day 1

Filter by stream

09:30 - 09:50

Welcome from the CIPD

09:50 - 10:35

Opening keynote: Recent trends in AI - Where did they come from, what do they mean, and where are they going?

Keynote speaker

While AI has been a prominent emerging technology for at least a decade, the speed of progress in the past few years has been remarkable - and possibly unsettling. Generative AI, most notably in the form of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT has gone viral - the first general purpose AI technology to reach a global audience.

In this talk, Michael will review what is generative AI and how is it different, and ask why generative AI has taken off now. He will explore the capabilities of generative AI now, and how will they evolve, and the implications for business, work and society.

10:35 - 11:15

Network break

11:15 - 12:00

A1 Debate panel: Human touch vs machine efficiency - how does HR find the balance?

Workplace AI Panel discussion

Organisations are currently grappling with three issues; how to take full advantage of powerful AI systems, where they are best placed to provide the most value, and also how to govern it's usage. This is particularly difficult to do without clear guidance around ethical standards of AI usage. Despite this, some organisations have experienced increased innovation and an overall positive impact on ways of working. With this in mind, do we believe AI is a good thing for the world of work? 

  • Dealing with concerns around data privacy and ethics
  • Understand how AI algorithms can perpetuate bias and discrimination
  • Explore how AI supports efficiency and innovation at work

A2 Career Stories: People who thrive - an insight into navigating the people profession

Lead Responsibly Interactive

Hear from leading people professionals on what it took for them to make it to the top. Discover how they started their career, the challenges they faced, and what it took to overcome them. Further discussion will include how to:

  • Demonstrate authenticity whilst leading with empathy and transparency
  • Instilling agility into your skill set to become a change warrior
  • Develop people-centric approaches and create workforces that flourish.

A3 Case studies: Roadmap to Employee-led inclusion

Boost Employee Experience Case study

Presentation 1: How to engage employees in your inclusion journey

  • Why it matters to engage employees
  • How leaders can empower employees
  • Creating a culture of change
  • How to celebrate success to keep people going on the journey

Presentation 2: Case study - Progressing towards better neuroinclusion

This session led by the Chelsea & Westminster NHS Foundation Trust, will share departmental case studies and dive into strategic solutions to tackle barriers in working with neurodiverse and additional needs employees. 

Key takeaways:

  • Boost your confidence with best practices.
  • Streamline recruitment
  • Refine adjustment policies.
  • Create a smoother, more inclusive workplace for everyone. 

Let's make inclusion effortless and enjoyable.

A4: Coming soon

Skills & Productivity

Coming soon

12:15 - 13:00

B1: Coming soon

Workplace AI

Coming soon

B2 Solution Room: Navigating conflict and harassment in the workplace

Lead Responsibly Interactive

Bullying and harassment still remains a widespread issue across workplaces today, with leaders needing to take proactive steps to improve poor workplace behaviour. This session will provide you with actionable solutions ready to take back to your organisation, with a focus on:

  • Recognising and addressing the symptoms of conflict early on and ensuring managers are equipped to deal with conflict resolution
  • Implementing proactive policies and ensuring they are effectively communicated to all employees
  • Ensuring employees feel heard when raising concerns and acting with transparency and empathy
  • Promoting cultures based on open conversation whilst maintaining respect for others.

B3 Debate: Making flexible working work

Boost Employee Experience

  • Addressing the most pressing issues surrounding the return to the office, focusing on the rise of hybrid working models and flexible working practices.
  • What is truly working with hybrid working models and flexible working?
  • Building trust and maintaining productivity and employee engagement with managing remote vs in-person teams.
  • How to successfully coach and learn under hybrid working.

B4 Career Talks: Crafting your early career’s skill profile for success

Skills & Productivity

  • Discover the core competencies and skills that are critical for navigating your early career within the people profession.
  • Understand how to strategically develop and enhance your skill set through targeted learning experiences, coaching and practical application in the workplace.
  • Uncover how to leverage your individual strengths and interests to craft a distinct skill profile that sets you apart from the crowd.

Networking lunch

13:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 14:45

C1 Masterclass: How might GenAI impact recruitment of Gen Z and future generations?

Workplace AI Masterclass

What does generative AI mean for the next generation starting work - from schooling through to their first jobs, their approach to life and ways of thinking may be fundamentally different. 

  • How can we tailor our recruitment strategy to attract the generations who grew up with generative AI? 
  • How might our recruitment processes change to reflect this? 
  • What regulations or guidelines might be necessary to govern the use of AI in recruitment as technology evolves?

C2 Case studies: Adapt and overcome - navigating times of change and uncertainty

Lead Responsibly Lighting talks

  • Instilling effective communication frameworks that aid employees to navigate times of change, particularly within dispersed workforces.
  • Recognising the importance of the people profession in ensuring smooth transitions during periods of change and overcoming resistance.
  • Adopting collaborative cultures whereby HR strategies are linked to business outcomes to ensure success.
  • Overturning negative workplace cultures through fostering agility whereby employees act as agents of change.

C3 Case Study: Letting go of the ladder – increasing career fulfilment and mobility at the BBC

Boost Employee Experience Case study

The BBC has always been a magnet for talented and creative individuals who are committed to its purpose and mission. For many, working at the BBC becomes a vocation and employees can spend a long time in the organisation and in role. Set against the backdrop of a flatter, leaner BBC, this created a perception of career ‘stuckness’ for many employees, evidenced in staff survey scores. In this session, you can hear about how we tackled this and set out to create a rich career proposition focused on empowering individuals, activating team leaders and enabling a culture where fresh career experience and mobility is the norm and ‘up is not the only way.

C4 Case studies: Organisational agility & change transformation

Skills & Productivity Case study

Case study 1: Improving organisational agility - creating a Centre of Expertise approach

This case study provides an insight into the Centre of Expertise at the Ministry of Justice People Function. Drawing from the rationale to design and develop the Centre of Expertise approach, the case study highlights the key challenges and considerations in drawing what's best from the Ulrich model of HR management. The resultant approach demonstrates how a Centres of Expertise model can produce organisational agility through delivering consultancy, growing community and building capability.

Case study 2: Leading your workforce through transformational change

In this case study you will hear how you can lead your workforce to be resilient and agile when faced with change transformation. You will gain practical advice on how you can support your workforce to overcome the challenges that organisational change brings and what you can do to deliver business results from change strategies.

15:00 - 15:45

D1 Lightning case studies: Building a future-ready workforce - a skills-based approach to strategic workforce planning

Workplace AI Case study

Skills-based workforce planning is often discussed in the context of preparing for future skills in a digital transformation. While there are many technology solutions to help you, is this the right approach for your organisation?

  • When a skills-based approach is helpful - and when it’s unhelpful
  • Case studies on approaches to skills-based workforce planning and lessons learnt
  • Alternative approaches you may want to consider for your organisation

D2 Lightning talks: Leading by example - unlocking the power of inclusive leadership

Lead Responsibly Lighting talks

  • How can leaders navigate the ED&I crossroads to foster diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces?
  • Embedding inclusion and diversity within organisational practice to drive innovation and improve performance.
  • Instilling transparency within your ED&I metrics to enhance trust and accountability. 
  • Inspiring your workforce through a shared vision to create a sense of belonging and drive meaningful work.

D3 CIPD Trust session: The intergenerational benefits of an age-diverse workforce

Boost Employee Experience CIPD session

Join this panel session to understand how your workforce could better support all ages to thrive in the workplace and be truly inclusive.

Understand the benefits that an age-diverse workforce can bring – from fostering good team-working, driving real inclusivity to reciprocal mentoring and other advantages.

D4 Workshop: The missing piece - unlocking the power of essential skills in helping to solve the productivity puzzle

Skills & Productivity Workshop Interactive

  • The importance of taking a holistic approach to skills by ensuring not only learnt skills but essential skills are encouraged in lifelong learning practices and within job descriptions.
  • Providing continuous skill-building opportunities to upskill employees and help boost their productivity.
  • Utilising skills-based recruitment to identify essential skills in candidates and enhance success within job roles.

16:15 - 17:00

Closing keynote: Making ‘work’ work (CIPD Members only)

Close of Day One


Day 2

09:30 - 10:10

The Corinthians - We were the champions

Keynote speaker

Manchester Corinthians Ladies Football Club, a team of Mancunian schoolgirls and office workers, was formed during the FA ban on women and became one of the most successful women's teams in history. Touring the world to crowds of 60,000, they were the first women's team to tour South America, won an unofficial European Cup in 1957, and triumphed against Juventus in 1970. 

Despite their achievements, they've been largely forgotten. Now, 10 surviving players share their inspiring stories in a new documentary, The Corinthians: We Were The Champions, produced by Films Not Words. The documentary, directed by Helen Tither, reveals their struggles and successes. 

The session will include discussions with pioneering players, highlighting the importance of documenting women's sports stories in a landscape where women are underrepresented both on the pitch and on screen.

10:10 - 10:50

Keynote: Reaching for the stars - inspiring the next generation of scientists

Keynote speaker

Maggie will share her inspirational story from a modest background and diagnosed with dyslexia to BBC's  'face of space'. 

As well as taking the audience on a journey across space and time, Maggie will discuss her own life and the lessons she has learned along the way; she credits her deep passion for science as the tool that allowed her to break through many barriers. Maggie will also explore some of the deep philosophical questions that we humans have always asked: are we alone in the universe? How did it all begin? And will we ever, literally, reach the stars?

Network break

10:50 - 11:30

11:30 - 12:10

E1 Masterclass: Writing generative AI prompts that work - a practical guide for HR professionals

Workplace AI Masterclass Interactive

Join this interactive session to learn practical tips on how to get the most out of generative AI tools for your work.

  • Learn good practices for writing clear, concise and informative prompts. 
  • Watch and follow along live demos on how to prompt tools to draft, brainstorm and summarise HR content.
  • Discuss how to refine and improve your prompts to get better results.

Tip: to follow along, bring a laptop, tablet or smartphone with internet connection. Open your browser and connect to a generative AI assistant like Claude, Copilot, ChatGPT, Gemini or Perplexity.

E2 CIPD Trust session: Hiring with conviction

Lead Responsibly CIPD session

With the rehabilitation of people with convictions high on the agenda alongside overcrowding in the criminal justice system, how can HR/People Professionals be game-changers in creating more inclusive policies, practices and perceptions?

Join this panel session to help you understand how to support people with convictions to enter and flourish in the workplace.  Our expert speakers are on hand to share practical suggestions and ideas to support you every step of the way.

E3 Panel: Thriving at work: Cultivating positive employee experiences for enhanced wellbeing

Boost Employee Experience Panel discussion

  • What should an organisation's responsibility be towards wellbeing vs employees’ own responsibility? 
  • How can we create a supportive work culture conducive to employee happiness and fulfilment whilst avoiding stress and burnout? 
  • Empowering managers to champion employee wellbeing initiatives.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of employee wellbeing programmes, with a focus on continuous improvement.

E4 Panel: Sustaining momentum in career development to enhance workforce productivity

Skills & Productivity Panel discussion

  • How can organisations integrate green and digital upskilling into their workforces to contribute to both personal and business growth?
  • Increasing the value of talent and retention by supporting career progression through reskilling and career activism.
  • Explore how the evolving skills agenda will impact the future of workforce planning.

12:25 - 13:05

F1 Round table discussion: AI as a virtual assistant for nurturing a happy, healthy and performing workforce

Workplace AI Interactive

From mental health support and health diagnostics to personalised support for time and workload management, AI offers many possibilities for enhancing your wellbeing initiatives.In this session, you’ll brainstorm ways in which AI-embedded solutions can help nurture a healthy and performing workforce. Delegates will work through one question at a time on roundtables: 

  • Where can AI-embedded solutions support your wellbeing initiatives for supporting a happy, healthy and performing workforce? Include existing solutions or new ones you’d like to see in the market. 
  • Where wouldn’t you use AI-embedded solutions in your wellbeing initiatives for supporting a happy, healthy and performing workforce? What alternatives would you consider? (e.g. other technology solutions, process changes, skill development) 
  • Is hyper-personalisation of wellbeing initiatives crucial for nurturing a happy, healthy and performing workforce in your organisation? Discuss situations where it’d be helpful or unhelpful to leverage AI and other technology solutions to enable hyper-personalisation.

F2 Discussion Hub: Is the people profession the guiding compass of sustainable organisations today?

Lead Responsibly Interactive

Sustainability is at the centre of many organisations today, with many now aligning their goals and actions to the sustainability agenda. But how can the people profession help drive sustainable people practice? Hear from sustainability leaders, collaborate with peers, and develop your next steps in your sustainability journey. With further discussion on:

  • Embedding sustainability into the heart of organisational culture
  • Recruiting and retaining employees who align with organisational goals and values
  • Collaborating with internal stakeholders to build partnerships to drive forward sustainable and ethical practices
  • Empowering employees to take action and take an active role in driving positive change.

F3 Case Studies: Compensating fairly: Reward, recognition and the importance of pay transparency

Boost Employee Experience Case study

  • The impact of reward and recognition on employee motivation, engagement and retention.
  • Designing effective reward and recognition programmes tailored to diverse employee needs – and does it always need to be financial?
  • How can we build a fair pay transparency policy?

F4: Workshop: Learning in a new age - how AI and digital tools will transform learning as we know it

Skills & Productivity Interactive

  • How can digital learning unlock the creative, innovative and divergent thinking of your workforce?
  • Harness the power of AI to help employees meet the needs of an ever changing skills agenda.
  • Gain actionable insights into how you can integrate AI and automation to drive your L&D strategies.

Networking lunch

13:05 - 14:15

14:15 - 15:00

Coming soon

Keynote speaker Fireside chat

coming soon

15:00 - 15:55

15:00 - 15:55

Absolutely Fabulous insights: A fireside chat with Dame Joanna Lumley

Keynote speaker

Dame Joanna Lumley, one of Britain’s most beloved actresses, known for her iconic roles in "Absolutely Fabulous" and "The Avengers," will be sharing thoughtful, moving, and funny insights on the challenges and opportunities society faces, touching on human rights and environmental causes she passionately advocates for as well as perceptive and witty observations on changing attitudes, working cultures, and behaviours.

15:55 - 16:00

Closing remarks