The CIPD work in partnership with Wonderly, a division of Haymarket Media Group Ltd to deliver the CIPD Annual Conference and Exhibition

Kate Black
Professor of Management Learning and Education, Northumbria University
Kate Black is a Professor of Management Learning and Education at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, where she is Head of Education and is founding convenor for the “Professional Learning and Management Education” research group. Formerly teaching marine ecology in an outdoor, environmental education setting, Kate’s research interests and her education practice are grounded in understandings of learning as a process of ‘being’ and ‘becoming’ – that is, of identity formation. She is, therefore, highly attuned to the significance of workplace practice learning – academic learning nexus in supporting learners both on conventional programmes and in the Senior People Professional apprenticeship programme with which she is involved. At her previous institution, Kate was Director for the institution’s corporate MBA provision.
Kate is Vice Chair for the British Academy of Management with responsibility for the Management Knowledge and Education portfolio.